PUNCH Magazine spread on Mike James' Filoli project

Pleased As PUNCH

When a local magazine reached out and said they wanted to do an article on my photographic Filoli journey, I was energized. And, enthusiastic. And, ok, euphoric.

I’ve begun to think of this project as a way to bring the week to week, month to month, season to season and year to year changes to those who enjoy Filoli, but can’t enjoy it as frequently as I do.

So, I am grateful to PUNCH magazine, for making Filoli top of mind to their readers and, for featuring my work as a record of sorts of how the gardens and landscape changes.

Cover of Silicon Valley Magazine - walled garden through the gates at Filoli

I’ve Been Covered

It was a wonderful surprise to open our mailbox and see no bills –but instead the July/August 2021 edition of Silicon Valley Magazine. And, on the cover: one of my shots through the gate leading in to Filoli’s walled garden.

Filoli was recognized, and justifiably so, as among the Best of The Bay Area–and picked for the cover.

This project started as a fun way to spend a brief time in a beautiful place taking pictures and chronicling the changes to Filoli’s gardens. I never had any ideas about selling my images, so I offered their use to the great folks that are entrusted to run this wonderful national treasure. I wasn’t sure they’d want them! But, it’s gratifying that they did and that my photography can be put to good use promoting a truly unique and inspiring place of both peaceful refuge and breathtaking beauty.

Leica Blog article Deep In Nature From Quesnel Lake - Mike James

Picturing Tranquility

BP (Before Pandemic), Leica did a nice feature on my images from our summer sanctuary: Quesnel Lake in British Columbia. Our family has trekked to a series of lake front, water-access-only cabins since 1949.

Most of the images Leica featured were shot with their first digital monochrome camera aptly named the M Monochrom. I loved that camera for the simplicity of it and for how it just freed me to concentrate on tones and light when composing an image. Sadly, I sold that camera–something I regret.