Quesnel Lake – Summer 2023

Quesnel Lake, British Columbia – I think this is my 37th or 38th Summer on the North Arm of Quesnel Lake with the family. We now have four generations of our family that has enjoyed this property that has been in my wife’s family since 1949. Every Summer offers up something different: water levels of the lake and in the creek; weather; foliage; and, now we measure our Summers in the amount of smoke. This year was smokey, but not as bad as we’ve seen in years past. This causes me to think differently about what I’m going to shoot and when. Truth-be-told, I didn’t venture off the property much this year for shots. None-the-less I am happy to share the best of what I got. Click on an image to view a slideshow.

Color Film

In this digital photography age there is a growing romantic attraction to film photography. Justify it however you like, but it is here to stay at least until those shooting film re-discover digital…. What I like about film photography, beyond it taking me back to my roots, is the expense and inconvenience of it all. Now for the confession. I shot a roll of film on our trip and have begun to think about what I did wrong and what I’ll do differently if I shoot another roll. Here are a few examples from the Summer’s roll. Click on an image to view a slideshow.

All press is good press.


A few years ago, The Leica Camera Blog did and interview with me and featured some of my Quesnel Lake work. Here is a link to that article.


Filoli – Fall 2023


Filoli – Yoko Kubrick Sculptures